

Matilda Lead (Amanda Thripp) Dir. Danny DeVito
Dennis the Menace Strikes Again Lead (Margaret) Dir. Charles T. Kaganis
The Perfect Game Supporting Dir. Dan Guntzelman
Beautiful Supporting Dir. Sally Field
The View from the Swing Supporting Dir. Paul Tuerpe
An American Rhapsody Featured Principal Dir. Eva Gardos
Rise of the Kitchen Appliances* Lead Dir. Stimson Snead
*Shown at Famous Monsters Magazine


Dharma & Greg Guest Star 20th Century Fox/ABC
The Perfect Wife (TV movie) Supporting USA
Judging Amy Co-Star CBS


Buffy the Musical Lead (Tara) Dir. Rachelle Romero
Antigone Ismene Main St Theater

New Media

Force Push** Lead Epic Level TV
Four’s A Crowd Lead Dir. Elizabeth Simonian
The World of Holly Woodlands Guest Star Dir. Abigail de Vera Jackson
**Force Push screened at the 2014 Austin Web Fest


Killian McHugh Commercial Workshop
Judy Kain/Talent To Go Commercials
Doug Warhit Scene Study
Young Actors Space Scene Study
Candy Kaniecki - Herman Scene Study
LA Comedy Connections Improv - short form Kent Skov

Athletics, Special skills, and Dialects

Fluent Spanish, Conversational Japanese, RP British Accent, Linguistics.
Classical vocal training (soprano), sang at Carnegie Hall
Can sing in 4 languages – try me!
Swimming, Weight Lifting, Basic Firearms Proficiency (pistol)
Star Wars Trivia!